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tv   All In With Chris Hayes  MSNBC  April 4, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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background checks for all americans. the number to call if you want to make this happen in the congress is 202-224-3121. the united states congress. do it for those lost kids up in newtown. roger ebert died today at the age of 70. any who cares about movies or great writing or liberal politics or great humanism angen rossty of spirit and decency is suffering a loss. we will discuss his life and legacy later in the show. first very big news you may have missed. signs of a new front opening up in the battle being fought by this country's lowest paid workers. hundreds of fast-food workers went on strike in new york city, many walking out for higher
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wages and in some cases the right to unionize and one in brooklyn was forced to open its doors late to open the strike. twice as many workers participated this time around. you might look at this and say, oh, that's a raley. 400 people. no big deal. let me tell you why this is remarkable. think about this a second. put yourself in the shoes of someone if you're not in the shoes of those already, put yourself in the shoes of someone making minimum wage, for instance, gregory, who participated in the strike and spoke to the "new york times." he is a driver for domino's and has a 3-year-old daughter to support and makes $7.25 an hour. he said it is not possible to support a family we are surviving. life in new york city at $7.25 an hour is life in a boat with a hole that keeps getting bigger. you cannot make the math work.
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no amount of hard work makes $7.25 an hour add up to a livable wage. no amount of determination or stoic nobility makes the math work. the math does not work at $7.25 an hour. if you make $7.25 an hour, you will be poor and you will be in debt. the math works at the fast food restaurants. here's what the math looks like. yum brands that owns taco bell, kfc and pizza hut had a net income of a billion dollars and mcdonds $1.38 billion. if i was a fast food worker i would be terrified of losing that job because if the math doesn't work at $7.25 an hour it doesn't work at zero dollars an hour. they can do whatever they want because if gregory decides he's
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had enough of being ground to the bone for poverty level wages someone down the street who doesn't have a job at all will step in and take it. on this day, 400 people each fighting that individual daily battle nonetheless willing to cross the threshold of risk to invite disaster into lives that cannot afford disaster by choosing to make a symbolic strike at their employer with no legal recourse for protection. it's really something of a miracle. all successful associate movements are built and all social progress is built out of multitude of tiny miracles just like we saw in new york city. a single person or acre shan of people who decide against the odds of great risk with no protection to do something courageous, to speak up for their dignity, to proclaim themselves human and what was what the fast food workers said today the message of the signs they carried, i am a man, i am a woman. it should ring a bell and a message we have seen at labor
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strike in memphis in 1968, these sanitation workers were being paid so little many even working full time needed welfare to feed their families. their jobs were astonishingly low wage but incredibly dangerous. it got started after two workers were killed, crushed in a sanitation truck compactor. supporting that strike is what martin lu thther king jr. was dg in memphis in 1968 when he was assassinated 45 years ago today, there to support those sanitation workers in their fight and struggle. >> we are saying we are determined to be men, we are determined to be people. we are say iing -- we are sayin that we are god's children. and we are god's children we don't have to live like we are forced to live.
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>> that strike ended not long after dr. king assassinated. the city agreed to raise wages and recognize the sanitation workers union. today full time sanitation workers are mostly unionized and make an average salary around $18 an hour. they are still struggling with fair pay and benefits with two double digit hikes to their health care premiums. the struggle has certainly not ended. in 45 years, will we look back at today at this unlikely strike in new york city as the starting point of a struggle that will not end but that could lead to a more decent wage and dignity of work for these workers and millions of other people who serve and cook food for a living in this country. joining me at the table, attorney for the national employment law project. joseph, a striking taco bell employee. dorian warren, political science professor and tabby tabby that,
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burger king worker. >> what are the working conditions at the kfc that you are at? what is it about the working conditions there that prompted you to go out on strike today despite the risks you might be taking? >> just the fact the pay doesn't allow me to live day -by-day wih the basic necessities is enough to do something about it. i have to tell you what it's like. i'm not always am ble to buy th food i need, choose to skip meals and save a couple dollars. i haven't been able to afford a jacket. it's ripped, from a friend who handed it to me that moved to vegas. that's a sample of what i have to live through. >> you've been working in the food industry since you were 15 years old and the wages have not gone up much. >> when i first started at taco
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bell i was making $7.15 an hour and making 20 cents easy payments years later. th nothing's changed. >> tabitha, why did you decide to go on strike today? >> i decided to go on strike today because i'm tired. i'm tired of being taken advantage of, working hard doing a three or foreperson job when there should be other employees there doing the job with us. i actually went out on strike today for $15 an hour, to create a union without any intimidation from any manager or any other co-work co-worker. >> are you worried object intimidation? >> i'm not. not at all. not anymore. i'm fed up. i'm so fed up. it's not right for us to be you c can, you know, busting our hump
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everyday making $7.25 an hour. i myself make $120 a week. i have to provide myself with food, clothes, a roof over my head. my rent is over $700 a month. i'm backed up on my bills. i have to pay con edison. i don't have enough to even survive for the basic necessities in my household. >> and you're working full time? >> i'm working full time. it's not right and it's unfair. >> how did this strike come about today? what made this happen in the last -- in the last little period of time? >> i think it's -- workers' backs have been up against the wall for decades now. we have a minimum wage every year falling further and further behind in terms of what you actually need to survive. you have this explosion in low wage job growth because a lot of the good paying jobs we used to have, have gone and what's taken their place is jobs in low end
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service sector industry. a quarter of workers work in jobs that pay less than $10 an hour. that is stunning. in the absence of government policy raising wages. we have a campaign for raising minimum wage but not happening as fast as it should, workers are taking direct steps in their workplaces to raise this issue and improve working conditions. >> those direct steps, you're a scholar of labor and written about labor history. this chart is an important chart to understand everything about the way the american political economy works. it's work stoppages involving a thousand or more workers lasting at least one shift over time. that basically what you're looking at right there is the evaporation of the strike as a tool and the evaporation of the strike is the evaporation of worker power fundamentally. >> that's right. if we go back to 1968, 45 years ago, the average number of strikes -- the number of strikes was roughly 400.
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last year, there were about 20 major strikes from a low of 5 in 2009. the strike level has been eviscerated with politics starting with the reagan administration when president reagan famously fired air tr air-traffic controllers and continued to decline and with it the power of workers to change their conditions at work whether increasing wages or stopping hazardous conditions at the workplace, the strike weapon is no longer on the side of workers, on the side of employers. >> how did you find out about the strike? what made you think to yourself, i want to do that? >> it actually was about a month ago, a month and a half ago i heard about the strike. >> the first stripe. >> the first strike that happened in november. i was kind of upset i missed that one. when i heard there was another one, i was all for it. i was enthusiastic about it, positive about it. i wanted to go out there and
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fight for my rights and my respect for hourly wages. >> how does it feel today to be out on strike? >> it felt great. honestly, it felt great to be out on strike out there today. to fight for, you know, our $15 an hour, to build a union. to fight for, not just for me but all my other co-workers that don't have a voice, i have to be the voice for them because they do have families they have to support. i'm single. i'm, you know, on my own. i can see that if they can't do it, they need somebody else to help back them up and be that voice for them. i was really motivated today especially on the anniversary of martin luther king that died 45 years ago today to go out and be on strike like they were when the sanitation workers died. >> did you talk to your fellow workers about the strike and possibility of retaliation, about getting fired the day you come back? >> oh, yeah.
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i think it was challenge just getting through to them there really is nothing to fear. if we do it the right way, their jobs are secure. the most they will expect when they come back to work is an angry look and bad attitude. if it wasn't for me, i guess my co-workers would have gotten on board. i basically got the majority of my store to strike. me being a supervisor, i know my workers. i know them in and out and basically my friends. i can see when they're afraid and feeling oppressed and when they're not happy at work and that motivated no stand up for them, you know what, enough is enough. i'm not doing this just for myself but the greater good of everyone and millions of workers in new york city that work in the fast food industry. if things don't change, millions of people are stuck in poverty, honestly. that's not right. we work hard and have the right as any other human being to be self-sufficient and independent and proud of the work you do instead of going home and feeling worthless because the
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seven days you just put in barely gives you enough to survive the next three days. >> with metro cards going up, with the taxi going up, you go to the store now a 99 cent bag of chips is$1.49. everything is going up and balances out. minimum wage going up to $8.75, that's what they're talking about. >> in new york state they're passing a minimum wage law. >> for one, it's taking too long, it should have been done years ago. it's not enough in the state of new york. i live on broadway in midtown manhattan. it's not enough, paying all that money, working for $7.25, $120 a week, you know. >> in 1968, the year of the sanitation strike, the minimum wage was $1.60. if you translate that to today's dollars, it's almost $11 an hour. it's kind of amazing to think we are far behind where we were 45 years ago.
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>> i want to play some more sound of the dr. mar tin tin lu king at the sanitation worker strike and invite a representative from the restaurant industry from new york state to the table. tabitha, nice to have you. right after this break. asional have constipation,
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you are remind iing not onl memphis, but you are reminding the nation that it is a crime for people to live in this rich nation and receive starvation wages. >> joining the conversation is andrew mozell, spokespersons for the restaurant association, a registered lobbyist. i really really appreciate you coming here. >> thanks for having me. >> the restaurant industry has a lot of jobs and particularly in new york, and those jobs end to be low wage jobs, particularly at the level joseph is working. obviously you're not going to speak about the specific labor dynamics and specific firms in the restaurant association, broadly, how do you think about
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how those wages should be set? how much is fair or is fairness not part of the equation? is it simply whatever the law or market bears? >> one thing i want to address, it's easy to sit on a panel like this and think every single job in the restaurant industry is a low wage job or federally mandated minimum wage job. that's actually not close to the case. only about 5% of the jobs even in the fast food industry are federally mandated minimum wage jobs. 80% of the people who own fast food companies and restaurants actually started out as entry level workers and went on to become incredibly successful. the restaurant industry is a launching pad. there are low wage entry level jobs for young people and others but it actually creates an opportunity for people to live the american dream and get a piece of the life we want for people. >> do you feel like that's the case in your workplace? >> maybe for other people. specifically in my location, i don't think there's any room for advancement. i think it's a dead-end.
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>> the median wage for a fast food worker in new york city is $8.70 an hour and we're talking about jobs that pay under $10 an hour the median wage. the median age is 28 years foerld a woman, 32 years old. these are not the types of entry level training wage jobs i think they're sometimes characterized as. the types of jobs sometimes people believe they are. they are jobs more and more workers in this country will spend their careers in and jobs that pay very low wages by and large. >> we are seeing an expansion of low wage work broadly in the american economy. it's the story in many ways of the recovery from the great recession. the majority of these jobs created. higher wage jobs cut 19% of recession jobs loss and 20% of recovery growth. mid-wage cut 20% of jobs lost and only 22% recovered.
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low wage jobs was 21% of recession loss but 58% recovery. we are moving towards a more low wage economy in this period after the great recession. >> we are moving towards a low wage economy. we are already there. i think it's disgraceful 45 years after dr. king started a poor people's campaign supporting striking sanitation workers in memphis we actually have more low wage jobs in the percentage of our economy today than we did in 1968. it's great andrew thinks this is an entry level job but the reality is that too many american workers are in low wage jobs and it comes at a cost to all of us. as taxpayers we pay the costs. we're basically subsidizing employers. when you work full time at $7.25 you have to get food stamps and public stance. >> if you are yum brands, you have shareholders and your job
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is to show profits to your shareholders and costs probably quite large and andrew says you minimize labor costs and maximize profits and make your quarterly profits. >> 80% of restaurants are small businesses. easy to look at mcdonald's and say they're large corporations but most are franchisees in charge of paying the bills and kick it up to mcdonald's who makes larger profits. they're in a different kind of business selling products to the franchisees. >> the strike today was directed at large firms so we're clear at the direction. >> there is growth in low wage jobs. the fact is those are jobs. one thing that's fascinating about the restaurant industries, it's an industry we can't outsource. >> that's why there's been growth. >> we're at an interesting cycle in the economy now. after every recession some of
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the bounceback is low wage jobs. we home as it gets better for small business people and others it will grow. >> it doesn't pass the smell test, right. you go to any mcdonald's in this country order a big mack, fries and a shake and it looks exactly the same. you mean to tell me mcdonald's- >> they're buying a business and relying on the advertising. >> mcdonald's controls the big mac and fries and all of a sudden they can't control wages. that's ridiculous in the face of it. >> not only can mcdonald's not control wages it can pay higher wag wages. it boast ed a large profits and the others boasted large profits and can afford. >> and not only anders personally who i do like, it's not their job to raise wages for any other reason than being
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forced to. that's the point of striking minimum wage. they're not going to do it because we sit here on cable news, they will do it because they have to. from the new york restaurant association and the national employment law project and striking taco bell employee, really awesome to have you here. his voice the strongest when he never spoke a word, even after he completely lost the ability to speak. how roger ebert completely changed the culture. coming up. at tyco integrated security, we consider ourselves business optimizers.
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difficult and hundreds of millions of low wage workers to walk out on their jobs to protest their low wages knowing full well the law doesn't protect them and could find themselves the next day with the same expenses and no income. they decided to empower themselves by using the one tool, the power to say no, refuse, to walk out. they are not the only ones. there is another strike happening as i speak, features a group of people with far far less power than the minimum workers with spoke with. it is far from the camera and there are no signs, a strike of the most pourless who have no recourse under the law, have no autonomy except their own bodies, speaking of the hunger strikers at guantanamo bay.
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at minimum 40 men who have the power to control what goes into their bodies to make their voices heard. 11 are being robbed of even this and force fed through their noses. while there are 40 men on hunger strike, the lawyers we spoke to today said that number in reality is much higher. the strike appears to be spreading and the lawyers who represent the detainees and the reporters who cover the facility sense we are hurtling towards a breaking point. of the 76 detainees left are said by the government that they don't pose a threat to the united states yet they languish there and left to rot thousands of miles from their home while the united states tells the world they should be free. these men, after a decade of imprisonment resorted to starving themselves like in 2005 and 2006 and almost every year since. this man, a detainee at
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guantanamo, told his lawyer, dav david, in a letter, in general everything is going toward the worst. i believe i am going to die in this hunger strike and this might be my last day or today might be the last day. barack obama recognized it as a stain on our nation and insustainable policy in practical terms. >> it is a rallying cry for our enemies, sets back willingness for allies to work with us fighting an enemy that workoper in scores of countries. by any measure the cost of keeping it open far exceed the complication of closing it. i want to be avery clear our gol is to construct a legal framework for the remaining of guantanamo detainees cannot be transferred. >> he did to his great credit try to close the facility only to be met by the most raven
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republicans and fellow democrats of congress. all of us as citizens have fallen into accepting complacency. four year after barack obama signed his order to close the prison it is still open. it is after all easy not to think about 166 men locked up thousands of miles away. the status quo of guantanamo bay where we keep people locked up because we don't know what to do with them, that cannot go on yet it does. yet there are genuinely hard questions and what to do with some detainees and easy ones, too. the dozens cleared for release should be released immediately, paid reststytution and offered legal residence in the united states. if that sounds radical and i know it does or outside the boundaries of political feasibility. i would say this, shoving tubes up the noses of men a few times
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a day to force them to stay alive in our prisons even though we readily admit we have no reason to do so, is pretty damn radical, too. we'll be right back with click three. and the transforming and the revolutionizing. it's enough to make you forget that you're flying five hundred miles an hour on a chair that just became a bed. you see, we're doing some changing of our own. ah, we can talk about it later. we're putting the wonder back into air travel, one innovation at a time. the new american is arriving. for the things you can't wash, freshen them with febreze. ♪ because febreze doesn't just cover up odors...
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dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. in an update tonight on a story we've been reporting on exxon is responding to criticism from the crude in arkansas and they're getting defensive. they tweeted this afternoon exxonmobil will pay for cleanup costs in mayflower, arkansas, anything to the contrary is not true. and this will remain in place until further notice. only relief aircraft operations under the direction of tom suhroff are aloud. tom happens to work for exxon so they will have to ask exxon's permission for this. an faa spokesperson said
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officials were amending the restriction to allow news media aircraft. we will continue to monitor this story as it unfolds. i want to share the three most awesomest things on internet today. it is 2013. barack obama is a few months into his second term in the united states and the country is on its way to a decidedly mixed race future and yet students in georgia are attending segregated prom. white students attend a prom for white students and black for black. it's not organized by the school but parents. several parents are banding together to change that and created a facebook to raise one integrated prom. >> you have some people that still have a past state of mind. >> it embarrasses to say i'm part of the county that does this. >> hot time by aaron bentley says you should cover the kids and hats off to the students for having the guts to create an
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upset tradition. some truly great reporting from spencer ackerman who was on the show last night. he got an exclusive interview with an american-born jihadi. he agreed to speak from direct messages on twitter and said i believe in attacking u.s. interests everywhere, no second thoughts or turning back. he writes sentences like that make it likely hamady will be the next american killed in the next drone strike. a terrific read and character study. worth checking out. there's been an online brewing on the subject of marriage. 20 something should take the plunge and follow her lead and get married young and another says it's best to wait and matthew sifting through and armed with charts, he has data from the national marriage
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project in "knot yet," makes the case waiting to get hitched causes women's earnings to go up. money is not happiness and it is complicated. self-reported happiness for one's marriage is highest for those who marry in their mid 20s compared to those 2 do it in late teens or late 20s? should you say i do? it depends what you want out of marriage, a career and life in general and those preference sure as heck are not fixed. there are a lot of charts to sift through while contemplating your life choices. you can check it out on click 3 on our website and facebook page, we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] at his current pace,
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[baby crying] the great thing about a subaru is you don't have to put up with that new car smell for long. introducing the versatile, all-new subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. the man who nearly single-handedly fashioned television criticism into an art and technique, robert ebert died at the age of 70. he was, of course, best known as part of a team, cisco and ebert. here's part of their review of 1976's epic takedown of broadcast journalism network. >> don't get the idea that this picture is good simply because it puts tv down, it's the way it puts it down with fine performances and some very funny and foulmouthed writing. >> gene, i agree and disagree.
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i agree in the first place it's my favorite christmas movie. i also think rocky comes in very close second. i disagree it's overwritten. one of the nice things about the movies that it's written. >> amazing. for more than two decades first locally and then syndicated. they offered their thumbs up and thumbs down and always intelligent camera reviews and stand your ground sparring and passion and deep appreciation for the art. the extravagance of movie making along with a respect for each other akin to that of long lost brothers. gene died in 1999 and later after losing his ability to speak, roger's voice resonated more than ever as he trudged on his longer term profession that predated and gracefully predated his tv fame as a pulitzer prize winning movie critic for the chicago times of 46 years, anniversary he celebrated one day ago. prolific almost to the point of
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disbelief, the weakened section of the sun times often featured as many as nine reviews on sundays. when presented with the goods, even better was more than willing to cheer the artist and art as he does here in the 1986 film, "hannah and her sisters." >> one of the things that bothers me, woody allen said there isn't a day of his life he doesn't think about suicide. this film seems to be an answer to that obsession in which he say, so we only go around once. so we go around once, let's enjoy life while we can. >> joining me, lisa, guest hosted with roger ebert and writer and producer of "color li lines" and great to have you all here. very sad day. a great opportunity to look back over this incredible body of work. what makes a good movie critic and why was ebert a good movie
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critic. >> starting with me? >> sure. >> the reason he was a great movie critic was because he went in wanting to see the movie as it was, wanted to love the movie. he had joy in what he wrote about, had an open mind about what he wrote about. he took movies at their worth, big or small, he looked at them all ready to be astounded. >> you tweeted today or posted on facebook, his review of "do the right thing," i think is a perfect example of this. i was going back and reading the reactions to "do the right thing" which were incredible from white critics that said it will incite racial violence. one critic was so angry she chased me and informed me the film was call for racial violence and i thought not and a call to empathy we all seem to need. and spike lee said i miss my dear friend roger ebert who
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support supported malcolm x. >> i like to call roger the may mayor and movie critic. as most will attest are lone twisted figures. roger from the begin ining saw s job almost akin to being a politician or ambassador saying, i'm no different from you. let's think through this together. he also project ed an anti-elit even though he was lucid. >> and former doctoral student at the university of chicago. >> he wanted to bring you in, bring as many people in as he could, even with difficult material. >> that was one of the things i valued about him as a hip-hop critic even though he was just as curious and serious as so-called low art and high art and bring down arbitrary distinctions that often carry a lot of race baggage, class
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baggage and other sorts of baggage with them. he helped model art and landscape where something like hip-hop culture could be treated with respect to the attention and respect it deserves. >> he was also right about "anaconda" and tweeted me roger ebert's really really positive review. apparently this is a critical darling, "anna condo" i did not know about until today. he loomed large and goes from being a critic to being a massive celebrity that looms very large in hollywood itself. >> it's amazing how he straggled -- he survived the newspaper industry. he adapted to social media, blogging, facebook, twitter. i looked at his twitter, he had over 30,000 tweets. he lost his voice and found a
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voice in this social universe. >> a better voice. no slur on roger to say he liked to be the center of attention. when a lot of us were kind of left behind, roger, even without a voice, said, how can i stay at the center of the conversation? how can i help set the parameters of the conversation? how can i frame the conversation? he went in. he found this new voice, this better voice, this brighter voice, this also more wide ranging voice because he talked about politics. he talked about his own personal life. it liberated something in him. not just entertaining but inspiring. >> he also went into all kinds of media. he wasn't saying, oh, film, it must be film or nothing or it must be print or nothing. he was the first person i ever saw walking down the street at sundance with a digital camera. he was so excited with all his toys. >> but he got in trouble with gamers. >> he was excited to use things. he loved the idea of tweets and
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shaping things to the media, rather than say criticism has to be only this way. he loved bringing in people and other voices, my far-flung correspondent, what do you think? >> my favorite quote i've seen from him today, he said something along the lines of two things any clear minded person should maintain is being curious and being teachable. that's a precious commodity for a critic to be teachable as much as they strive to teach and why he want thrive in the two way online. >> in looking through obituaries. even though he's very famous and well compensated, he wrote back to an 11-year-old who wrote him letters saying i want to be a film critic. he argued with people. he brought himself down to the level to be interlocutor.
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i love this clip of film dance where there was a film about asian-americans. a white audience member said why did you make its with amoral depiction depictions? >> i find offensive and condescending about your statement, nobody would say to a bunch of white filmmakers, how could you do this? yes, film has the right to be about these people and asian-american characters have the right to be whoever the hell they want to be. they do not have to represent their people. >> look how ruckus and involved he is. he's not doing it from the stage. he's doing it to from the audience. >> we won't remember necessarily individual things roger has written, we will remember this political presence, inclusive. he is like a politician in that
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scene. he wants to engage people on that level. >> he's very well suited for twitter, a bomb thrower. we will be back with james lipton corresponding with roger at the end of his life. income tax rate in 60 years... and a billion dollars in tax breaks and incentives. new opportunities for business. over 250,000 new private sector jobs were created over the last two years. and 17 straight months of job growth. with the most private sector jobs ever. lower taxes, new incentives, new jobs, now that's news. to grow or start your business in the new new york visit by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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one of the things i liked best about this movie was you had to be smart to watch it. you had to think about it. it didn't pound you on the head. >> shake hands with yourself. >> i really want to congratulate myself for my intelligence and i'm sure you feel good about yours, too. >> i have it really easy and understood everything, more than you did. >> the things i learned from siskel and ebert, passive-aggressiveness makes for
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amazing television. we want to welcome the actor on "br "bravo." nice to have you here. i believe you were corresponding with roger the end of his life and have a letter you wanted to share. >> i wrote this letter to him and he had written to me. if you had occasion to see any episodes of my series in the past few years, you may be aware how often and how gratefully you're quoted. i am not regretfully a film scholar and turn to you, roger. i remember your calm clear stance on movies and the world around us and the political implications of work you're asked to explore. you might or might not be surprised how often i read you and exclaim yes, especially at times like this in my view, the barbarians are at the gates and nice to know something who stands steadfast ly a political
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rectit rectitude. maybe i'm only reading my views into yours, but i like what i read. >> had an amazing social conscience. you were with him on the show at one point. how does that show work? why does it work? i remember one time watching the show and getting upset at two people arguing. i asked my parents, why are you watching two people arguing? i don't like fights. >> that particular argument whether exaggerated for the screen or not although they had their tensions, that was particular for the two of them. when he started having guests on, looking for guests to come in and fill in after siskel, each was different and all he said was have fun. one thing you had to do before every show, you had to play patty cake with him to have fun and get the energy up. the other thing you had to do was have your thumb photographed. it was a gallery of everybody's
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thumb. not a gallery of thumbs, yours and rogers. he was delightful encouraging you to say anything. >> we all loved roger, we're all saying wonderful things. let's remember at the very be n beginning of the show, there were people who thought these were a couple of chuckle heads and tuned in to see them bicker and it seemed at times roger would look at gene and say, you are about the dumbest guy i ever sat across from in my life and gene would be prickly and would pull it back and sometimes cut it off unceremoniously. that's why, as we tuned in to laugh, we eventually developed this respect. wait a minute. these guys are having a discussion about art on national tv and they're bringing people into it. >> they care enough to get genuinely ticked off at each other, a key. you're sending a sub-textural
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cue to the viewer that it matters. >> may i ask a point, i am so inappropriately dressed for this occasion. >> we were going to let it go. >> i'm not. we were in the edit room. i was in the edit room all day with my 250th episode of inside the actor's studio. this is how i dress in the edit room. it says arrested development because i was in it and they sent it to me. i'm not advertise iing arrested development and wish i were wearing a nice appropriate suit for roger. roger might be amused and interested. >> you could be wearing a green turtleneck like he was in the early clip. >> there's something amazing about watching two people talk about movies and talk about art and talk about things they care about that is so compelling and so compelling i found myself today falling down a total youtube spiral in which i just watched. what did they say about "good fellas" and "aliens" and
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"jurassic park" and every one incredibly gripping. >> they gave this generation a model of what it can be at its best, the passionate back and forth might seem pointless but really has enough mutual respect for each other and the popular art we're discussing to give that art the honor. >> you know it was the internet before the internet. i think that's why he fit so well in the world of social medi media. >> feedback whether from gene or from his readers. >> there's a reason why i think people in my profession like him so much. one of the difficulties we have with some critics not all, present company excepted, frequently, especially in film, a critic will write about a movie and not know who did what. they don't know the process and often gift credit or blame to the dire f